Monday, August 31, 2015

LTS Week 4

Monday we started our last week of LTS!! After class, I had my classic lunch which consists of a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fruit (if we have fruit) then I went to the study center for wifi. Yes I studied a little, but I actually listened to the past messages I've missed from home. It was so very nice to hear James preach! I also got to chat with Big Joe on her Last First Day of High School!! Then I got a nice nap in before dinner. After dinner we had flock time and my flock wrote letters to God of what we want to see happen in this year. It was very cool!

Tuesday the outreach teams left in the morning :( I have missed those guys so much! Three of the five teams left this time so there are not as many people hanging around. Because of that Potters house (my house) moved into Emmanuel house. It was weird to pack up three weeks worth of stuff and head down the hill to the other house. In the morning I my counseling session and right after that was LTS. And after LTS there was a break and in the afternoon I went to an apologetics class where we discussed predestination. It was a very good day and very long day.

Wednesday was another semi-normal day. We had LTS in the morning and then the afternoon free. Usually on Wednesdays I go to the worship service/rehearsal but for the rest of this term they are also having a soaking session during that time. This is a worship service that is open for the Holy Spirit to move and work in everyone's lives. It was a very good and filling service!

Thursday was graduation day!! We had two short LTS sessions in the morning. One of the videos did not work so we had to resort to a back up plan, which was another good video. Then we had chapel, and two of the mid-years gave their testimony. After chapel we had a celebratory lunch with donuts! I cooked dinner and it turned out great! I think almost everyone went back for seconds. After dinner we had duties. Typically we do not have duties on Thursdays but we actually had to go do duties in Potters house to prepare for a kids camp they were doing this weekend.

Friday we had plotties in Emmanuel. I cleaned the bathroom. After plotties we had a little downtime before community project. This community project was......WEEDING! We had to get the village looking very spiffy for Sunday because they are having an 'open' day for potential YOYL students. So we cleaned up and then had the rest of the day off.

Saturday I got to sleep in! Saturdays are always chill days and since I am finished with LTS I can now watch movies or series on the weekend! It was very nice to just veg out. I got to talk with my mom and dad in the afternoon which is always nice. Then I even got to chat with Hannah! It was very nice to sit outside by the church (where the wonderful wifi is) and talk to my people back in Texas.

Sunday was also a great day! I did have to get up and move all my stuff back to Potters for the open day. But I went to church which was a great service and then came back and got to chill until the evening service. After the evening service we have Connect. This time we had a celebration in honor of someone who is about to adventure into a new area. She had been in charge of Young Adult service for a while I believe. But we had food and a live band to celebrate! I even tried to teach my friends how to line dance to one of the songs! It was a very fun evening!!

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