Monday, September 7, 2015

Work Week

Monday was off! I got to sleep in and relax the entire day! We chilled until after dinner, and for flock we went to Cappuccino's. It was just me, Nonto, Minx, and Kerry and we had a very good time. While we were eating we saw a mouse!! In more or less words, we basically freaked out and everyone else was so chill. The manager came up to explain that due to construction on one part of the mall, there have been mice. Isn't that comforting? Ha! Well we had fun with it anyway and ended the night by stopping at the candy store for sweets.

Tuesday was the first day of work week! This is so we have the opportunity to apply what we learned in LTS. We worked with the venues/hospitality department at the church. The first day was very easy. We helped clean up after a funeral and we did some inventory. After lunch we met up with Mieka to learn about how our personality tests turned out. It was a color based test. And most of our team is green! This means we are laid back and chill, which perfectly describes most of us. My scores were nearly even across the board, so I was green, blue, red, and yellow. It was very fun to learn about how each of us respond to things based on our personality.

Wednesday we shadowed people who work in the department. I shadowed Mamma Macy and we cleaned the bathrooms on the training center floor and then we washed tons of dishes! After lunch we did more of the same cleaning. We were free in the afternoon until the "soaking/seeking" session at church. Each week these services get better and better! I am excited to see and hear about what God has in store for this next season for Hatfield.

May this forever embarrass me now that it's on the internet

Thursday we switched the people we shadowed and I worked with Elizabeth. Everyone washed windows in different areas of the church. I helped Elizabeth wash the windows of the mother's rooms and the bathrooms. We also had to take down the curtains to have them washed. We got those windows nice and clean! After we finished that, the team met back up with Auntie Nini. She took us to get yellow fabric to wrap the trees for the spring celebration on Sunday. After we found the perfect fabric she bought us hertzoggies. A traditional South African dessert. They were amazing and it was the first time any of us had had them! Then she took us to get t-shirts to match our color personality. After we found t-shirts there was a storm coming in, so Auntie Nini took us to her house (she had to look for something there anyway). We weathered the storm there and she made us ice cream coffee! It was a very good time and I loved hanging out with her! She even told me she would take care of me while I am here. She took us back to the church and we got home before it started raining more.

Friday was the last day of work week! We had to take the yellow fabric and wrap the trees. We became the "tree yellowing" team. We had tons of fun even though it was chilly outside. After that we had lunch to celebrate the end of work week and to honor Kerry because it was her birthday! We got to chat and end the week with fellowship.
After "yellowing" the trees

Before we "yellowed" the trees

Saturday I had every intention of going out and hanging out with some people but it was cold and rainy. So it made the perfect day to stay in and watch movies with everyone!

Clouds over Emmanuel house
Sunday was the spring celebration at the church! Stuart Bell from Lincoln, UK came to preach and it was a very good message! After the service everyone got ice cream! Due to the weather over the weekend, everything was moved inside. So Hatfield's Got Talent took place in the main auditorium. Kerry was one of the three finalist and she crushed her performance! It was very fun to see her up on stage and cheer for her. After that, I went home to chill before the evening service. During the evening service we talked about Forever Father, which has been the theme for the term. It made me really miss my dad but I got to chat with him after the service which was very nice!! Also after the service there was a jazz/soul night. Many talented people came and sang and the band was killing it! It was a wonderful was to end the spring celebration and kick off this new week!

I am keeping all my friends and family back home in my prayers and if there is anything specific you need prayer about feel free to message me!! I've got tons of prayer warriors around me that will jump in and agree with y'all in prayer about what you need!

Also huge shout out to everyone who has been praying for me! I am looking forward to sharing all my experiences with y'all when I get home!!


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