Sunday, September 20, 2015

Understanding The Bible/Term 1 ends!

Monday was the first day of our class called Understanding the Bible. This is by far my favorite classes. We began with a Bible trivia game that was quite difficult! Once we discovered we know less of the Bible than we thought we did, we talked about how important it is to understand the Bible, and understand it in the way it was meant to be understood. After lunch I had time to study and relax. I also had a mini-dance party with my roomies. It was tons of fun and I they bring me so much joy. Now after dinner, Ntsako and I realized that we need to bring awareness to dolphin violence. Did you know that dolphins kill people? Also they have bigger brains than humans. So we began a journey of bringing awareness to this situation. Later, Kerry and Minx and I went to Crawdaddy's for flock time. I had the best milkshake I've ever had. Words can not even describe how amazing it was.

Tuesday class was very good and we had homework! We had to read the book of Philemon and really "look" at it and write out things we noticed. In the afternoon we had fitness and we played Netball. This is basically a mix between basketball and football. It was so much fun!! My team had a lot of fun and we did really well! Later I got to talk to Christy which was so nice. She is doing great things at UTD and I can't wait to see what else God has planned for her future!!

Wednesday we continued talking about Philemon in class. After class I went to Waterglen with Chloe, she is awesome! Then after dinner we had house time! We watched a movie called Mom's Night Out, it was a cute movie. We also had ice cream....and a DANCE PARTY! It was a lot of fun!!

Thursday was the last day of class! Then we had chapel. During Chapel, the school presented YOYL with a gift! Last year they celebrated 25 years and so the school promised us a gift, which is a beautiful painting representing the 25 years of YOYL. After chapel we had community lunch and it was a beautiful day outside! Then everyone had to get ready for Stories of Hope. It was an event held by the YOYL full-year students. It was very cool! They performed some of the routines they do on outreach and shared testimonies of how outreach went. I really enjoyed it!! I also *finally* received a letter from my mom and sister!

Friday the holiday began! First we did plotties in the morning then I packed up my stuff and chilled. Later I walked to the Noviskies, they are being so kind to let me stay with them for the two week holiday!! I am so very thankful for them! We went to their friend's house for a braii. Their friends were missionaries in Yemen and Jordan for 11 years! It was amazing to meet these people and make new connections.

Saturday I slept in and had some time to chill. I also found out that I have been accepted to A&M...again. I am actually excited but still praying about whether or not this is the next step for me. I am almost fully convinced that it is but don't be surprised if it's not! Then I went with Chandra to help shop for groceries and then we got ready for dinner. I also got to call my mom and dad and while I was on the phone with them Jonathan called! So I was talking to my parents in Texas, and my brother in Asia! It was interesting and very cool, I am incredibly thankful for technology!! Then we had some delicious burgers and watched a movie.

Sunday I again got to sleep in and yes, I skipped church. But I caught up on some rest and it was nice and quiet, which there is not a lot of that in the community houses. I also got to watch the Cowboys game from last week!  I am so thankful that I will get to spend this holiday with the Noviskie family! They are so awesome!!


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