This has been quite a week! We've already had one week of tracks, which are the specific "subject" we could choose. I am in the leadership track! This was our second week and it was awesome!!
Monday: We kind of got an off day, because we had just had our weekend outreach. So we went to devotions in the morning with everyone, and then had a little team debriefing. After that, a group of us went to The Grove Mall to go ice skating with Emile for his birthday. Some of us were great at ice skating, while others fell, and fell, and fell. Haha!! But it was such a fun experience! We finished up, and decided to eat lunch at Spur and then we watched the new Captain America movie. After that, seven of us squeezed into Emile's five seater car to head over to Waterglen to meet up with the rest of our team for team time ice cream! We got back to the house in time for supper and announcements. Then I led our flock time. In the last term, each member of the flock gets a chance to lead flock time. Because our flock is so small, Nonto and I will probably get to lead two. So for this week, I just got coloring pages for us and we relaxed with tea and coffee and chatted about our weekends and life in general. It was a great bonding time!! Then we had duties to finish the day.
Tuesday: The morning was a little different than usual. We typically have devotions, or worship, in the morning, but instead of singing songs like we usually do, we took a name out of a cup and spent time listening to what God said about that person. It was so sweet to receive and also give that encouragement. After that we had combined class with the Entrepenuership class. We discussed team building and development. Then we got to discuss with our outreach teams where we thought our team is. Then after class and after lunch, I spent the afternoon in Emmanuel house playing games and such. For fitness we ran down the road. Then at supper, Lesinda, Anika and I ate outside. It starting to get really cold at night though but we still enjoy eating outside. The evening was quite normal and it ended a lovely day.
Wednesday: Silent morning as usual, and our wisdom-filled Wednesday was about Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..." So we had time to contemplate that before Walk the Word. We then had a mini MAD Rave for leadership track. We will get to run a youth week so we had to come up with more ministry items. Once class was finished, I had lunch with Khetiwe and Lesinda at Cafe Andante. We chilled there until it was time for Life of Christ (our extra afternoon class, which is one of the subjects in the theology degree). The rest of the afternoon was very chilled and I had time to blog about the weekend outreach. After supper, Lesinda and I had coffee and then I started braiding her hair, and it started a braiding party in the lounge. I braided her hair as well as Stephan, Josh, Schalk, Anika, and Erin's hair. It was such a fun "family time".
Thursday: In the morning, before class, they announced where each team will be going for their three week international outreach. My team will be going to Bulembu, Swaziland!! Unfortunately, that is in the third term and I will already be back in Texas. But I know my team will have an impactful and beautiful time there! For class, we watched two teachings about self-leadership. Then we had chapel, and continued our study of Ephesians, and then had community lunch. Later that afternoon, some of the Korean students from last year FaceTimed me! It was so fun, even though the connection was bad, to connect with them and see them! I spent the evening studying Life of Christ and just chilling.
Friday: Plotties day! We cleaned the house but half-way through I had a meeting up at the church. I got my career direct results and Carin went over them with me. It basically explained my personality in black and white and where that will effect my career choice. Afterwards, we had a meeting in Emmanuel house for the off-weekend. Then a lot of people went home, but I stayed the whole weekend. I chilled with Khetiwe and Kimberly for a bit just having girl talk. Then I went with Natalie to her house to get some things for the Love Run, which a few YOYLers volunteered to help with. Then we got back in time for the volunteer meeting. The meeting went fairly quickly and they fed us too so that was a nice bonus! After the meeting, I hung out with some people until extremely late, especially considering I had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning for the Love Run. But it was totally worth it!! We had tons of laughs!
Saturday: I woke up extremely early, and got ready to help at the Love Run. Natalie, Justine, Kimberly and I went our respective places on the route. We were marshals, so we got to wave flags to let the runners know they were going the right way, and it was so fun to encourage them! Natalie and I were stationed along the section that was supposed to represent England, so we had tiaras and sashes. I think the runners really enjoyed it! Once we were released from our spot, we went to the start/finish and joined Robby, Dillon, Schalk, and Josh. It was cold and rainy all morning, and even though someone tripped me, we had TONS of fun! After we finished, we had lunch back at the house and we all chilled. Then we spent the afternoon just hanging out and chatting. Later, I went with a group of guys who were going to donate blood. I did not donate, but I tagged along. The place was actually closed, so we improvised and had quite an adventure! Once we got back home, I joined another group playing board games and such. It was such a fun day seeing everyone and getting to know people a little more.
Sunday: Morning service was great! And afterwards, Khetiwe picked some of us up to go eat lunch with her and her mom. We had such a fun afternoon!! Then we went to the evening service which was amazing as well! Connect was fun as well, we even ended up staying until they turned the lights out and "kicked us out". But I still ended up chatting with some of the same people back at the house until 11! It was a great day to kick start this next week!
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