Well it’s been another busy two weeks, so let’s catch up again!
April 11-17
Sex, Dating and Relating
Monday: This was the last day of holiday, but I was already back in the houses so I volunteered with Erin to go shopping for groceries for the house. Tuki and I rode back home in the back of the truck but it was fun! Then in the afternoon, I went to the Defending Your Faith (Apologetics) class. We discussed “Does God really exist?” and we practiced debating, so someone pretended to be an atheist and the other was the Christian. Later, everyone was slowly coming back to the houses so there was lots going on! I got de-briefed on wash-up duties, since this term I am wash-up leader! It’s tons of fun!!
Tuesday: The first day back in class was great! I’ve already done this class at the end of last year, but it was amazing to go through it all again and have discussions with my flock leader Pearl and the other students. I spent the afternoon putting my stuff in my new cupboard because I had to change rooms this term. They switch up the room each term so we can get a chance to get to know everyone better. For fitness, the girls played softball. It was loads of fun! And then supper and duties as usual.
Wednesday: We began the day with silent morning, so we couldn’t speak until class. Then we got to class, and started Walk the Word on Exodus. Each week we will go through a book in the Bible and have discussions over it. I left a little early, because I had the opportunity to go with Chandra to Abba House! It was so lovely to visit there and love on the kiddos, and to catch up with the German volunteers! We went to lunch with them afterwards too. Then Chandra brought me back to the village after we stopped to get some groceries. I found Dr. Pepper so I got some :)
I had a very chilled afternoon, and then Russell came to the houses to sell American candy for a school project. A lot of the students were really interested and they liked most of the candy! After supper, Lesinda and I went up to the hill and we chatted about our holidays and got to catch up.
Thursday: Class was amazing and we wrapped up with talking about preparing for our futures. Then we had chapel and then community lunch. We will be going over the book of Ephesians each week in chapel and it’s been very nice so far! I had a chilled afternoon until fitness where we did a nice circuit workout. Then Russell came again to sell more candy! It was really fun to see people’s reactions to the American candy and I think he got some really good profit! After supper, I hung out in Emmanuel house for a bit until duties.
Friday: The first plotties after the holidays! We put on some music and then jammed while we worked in the wash-up area. After we were finished we had the afternoon free, and I didn’t do much. Then we had duties again that evening.
Saturday: A few of the YOYLers got up early(ish) to go volunteer for Storehouse, an organization through the church that provides clothes for those in need. So we went up to help sort clothes for winter. We had a lot of fun! And they gave us cute little snacks! In the afternoon, a group of us girls went to Crawdaddy’s for milkshakes. It was such a sweet time chatting with the ladies! We laughed a lot!! Then we came back and went to sit on the hill to enjoy the view of Pretoria.
Sunday: Lesinda and I got to church earlier than usual, but it was nice. After church, Lesinda and I had lunch and then we went back up to the church grounds to read and just chill. Then we went and hung out in Emmanuel house for awhile. Then I went up to the church early because it was my volunteer team’s turn to serve! I was on the prayer team, and then after service I went to Connect. It was a fun time as usual!!
April 18-24
MAD Rave
Monday: This was the beginning of MAD Rave!! We got put into our outreach teams and began working on outreach preparation. I am in Team 2!! We are a really great team, and we jumped right into planning a team drama and dances. After MAD Rave, I had Career Direct. It’s an assessment to tell you where you would work best. Then I went to Waterglen and then came back for Defending Your Faith. And then supper and duties as usual.
Tuesday: We worked on guys/girls pieces during MAD Rave. The girls on my team came up with a beautiful dance about making our hearts a home for Jesus. Later, we had to write out our testimonies and then took a YOYL picture in front of the house. Then Lesinda and I went to Waterglen, and on the way, I accidentally broke her shoe! Luckily there was a shoe repair place and it got fixed! I came back and read for a little bit, then had a PFT with Pearl and KerryAnn. Then we had fitness in the afternoon and then supper. After supper, we started a game of “spoons” in Emmanuel house. Then we had duties!
Wednesday: We continued with outreach prep during MAD Rave, and it was a normal Wednesday. After supper, I went to the seeking session and it was a very great time in God’s presence.
Thursday: MAD Rave was finished for the week, and we had time before Chapel to go over our prepared pieces with our team. Chapel and community lunch we amazing. Then Lesinda, Anika, and I went to Waterglen and then we came back and put two couches together and just chilled, chatted and ate snacks. It was so nice to spend the whole afternoon laughing with them! The evening was normal and duties went well.
Friday: There were only a total of three people on the wash-up team for plotties, but we surprisingly got everything done on time! After lunch, Raquel came to check the rooms and then had a short meeting with Nonto and I about mid-year things. Then I had a bit of free time before we had team time in the afternoon. We just finalized some things about our team drama and kiddies dances. Then in the evening, we had flock time. Pearl shared an awesome spoken word, poem thing. Then we finished the day with duties!
Saturday: I woke up early, on the one day I can sleep in, and made biscuits and gravy! They were definitely worth it. Then I went up to the church property and found a nice tree to climb, I finished reading my book up in that tree. It was a very lovely morning to climb a tree! Then I got back and joined Lesinda, Nonto, DeWaal, Marco, George, and Kiall and we went to Menlyn. We ate Burger King (it was my first time to have BK in South Africa) and it was good! Then we watched the Jungle Book!! It was a ton of fun! When I got back, I sat outside with Anika, Schalk, and Wesley and we all talked about how we spent our Saturday and we laughed a lot! Then we had duties and after duties I got to chat with Chloe for a bit.
Sunday: We had church in the morning which was nice, and afterwards, Anika and I shared an “apple-rose” pastry that her sister Bea made. It was baie lekker (very good)! Then I came home, and started another book. Some of the guys got the pool table out and spent the afternoon playing pool, which is quite entertaining to watch. Then it was time for the evening service which was amazing! At Connect, I got to catch up with Janina, Laura, and Jonas the German volunteers at Abba house. It always makes my heart so glad to see them at church! We had a fun time, then came back to the house for duties. Unfortunately, the power outlets had gone out that day, so the washing machine was full of water. We had to use bottles to get the water out, and it was quite an experience!
It has been an amazing two weeks! I am absolutely loving this time of preparing for outreach and I can’t wait to go on our weekend outreaches!
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